Where's Axl?
a. Fishing for trout in Montana wearing Jeff Bridges' "Starman" suit that he bought on eBay.
b. Wrestling Loni, the local bartender from Mitchell who could've been a Coors twin if she'd been a twin, in a big vat of lime Jell-o.
c. Discussing the intri
Look, I don't know where Axl is. Neither does Page Six. And I guarantee Scooter Libby hasn't a clue. All I know is I miss Axl and his screwball antics.
And I know I'm not the only one.
Sure, W. Axl Rose was an ass. Yes, he got into lots of trouble with the law. And he certainly has said things that even I can't condone, let alone defend.
But the dude could rock. And frankly, a world that honors 3 Doors Down as a hard rock group and produces Scott Stapp as the next great sex symbol is no place I want to live. Where's Axl? Who doesn't want to know?
This site is dedicated to all things Axl - his videos, his whereabouts, his eccentricities, and perhaps - just perhaps - his genius. I promise to give you all things Axl, all things Gn'R... unless I get bored and write about things not-Axl-related [ie: sharks, pierogies, Wyld Stallion, Amy Sedaris, the wedge heel]. You'll just have to tune in every day* and see. As long as this crafty cat eludes the public, our site is gonna stick around. Which means I, like you, hope our waifish redheaded icon reappears and we can stop asking the question.
Where the f*#k is Axl?
In your soul, Friend. In your soul.
*Note: By no means do I plan to publish updates every day.
[sketch by Danny Filippone from: http://www.treelink.com/flippart/macros/macro_illustrations.htm]
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