An inside source to the Didgeridoonas' Australia can cooler company tells WA? that the products are made of "tough padded canvas" with a "neat leather strap," to keep beverages cool, refreshing, and intact.
The company, which has been losing money due to anti-beer and anti-leather advocates worldwide, plans to capitalize on the recent can-throwing debacle that occurred in Brisbane. GNR frontman and soon-to-be spokesperson for the NutriSystem-HairTrade merger, Axl Rose, was pelted with a can of Australian something - kanga piss, aboriginal blood, whatever - after arriving late to his show on Monday. Halfway through "Welcome to the Jungle," an irate fan threw his can of something onstage, which exploded and sprayed Axl's chest with hot, sticky... kanga piss, aboriginal blood, whatever.
Axl responded by asking a question, "Is that what you want? You want a battle. If you're going to act like that, then you know I don't have to be here," according to Contactmusic.
Um, buddy, I don't think they really want a battle, per se... I mean, kanga piss, though nasty, is no WMD. Nope. Something tells me they just want to listen to $150 worth of songs, which, given that your album costs about $10, means that they have a right to fifteen albums' worth.
Hmm... doing the math, that means... wait, when is Chinese Democracy coming?
Score zero for Axl.
Score the company's entire '05 budget for Didgeridoonas' Australia can cooler company.
Those dudes are marketing geniuses.
[Source: http://www.dailyindia.com/show/152188.php/Axl-Rose-sees-red-after-fan-throws-drink-at-him!
Photo courtesy of: http://www.ptarmiganclothing.com/images/products/69_s_can%20cooler.jpg]