Axl was arrested earlier today in Stockholm, where he performed on Monday night.
The problem?
Axl bit a guard on the leg.
Reports say that Axl scuffled with a woman in his hotel lobby, and when police tried to intervene, he bit an officer on the leg.
According to police spokeswoman Towe Hagg, Axl was taken to a holding cell because, "He was deemed too intoxicated to be questioned right away."
Well, maybe if he'd had his trusty O2 tank at his disposal, he wouldn't have been so on edge. Maybe if Sophie Anderton hadn't run off with that punkass Buckethead only to mail him postcards from their holiday in Beirut, he wouldn't have felt so alone.
And maybe if that bitch Stephanie hadn't taken Dylan away from him - Dylan, in all his lovely innocence and beauty, Dylan! who played horsey with him, DYLAN! who had a small lovely set of angel wings around his heart - maybe then Axl wouldn't have been forced to drink Buttery Nipples by himself in the hotel bar, sobbing and seeking out the only one-legged prostitute slinking along the fences of Stockholm's International Hostel.
And maybe if that ho had been happy with what he paid, he wouldn't have had to scuffle. Then maybe he wouldn't have been driven to bite the popo.
But it's only a theory.
[Source: http://www.cnn.com/2006/SHOWBIZ/Music/06/27/sweden.axl.ap/index.html]
[Photo courtesy of: http://hem.passagen.se/snoqalf/photos.html
*Note: This photo does not depict the Stockholm Incident]
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