Dizzy Reed has left the homeless shelter to hit the keys this weekend at the Great Lakes Film Fest. In Erie, PA. Not to be confused with Eerie, IN.
Will Axl be in attendance?
Well, with films such as, Deception, Scurvy Dogs, and Fifteen Minutes..., one can only dream.
By the way, if you see a middle-aged yarnhead toting a Casio and Hookers n' Blow paraphernalia alongside of I-80, be sure to lend a brotha a ride.
*sighs* That's our Dizzy.
[photo by G. Chin, courtesy of: http://web.gunsnroses.com/images/news/070312_dizzy_inside.jpg]
[from: http://www.roadrunnerrecords.com/blabbermouth.net/news.aspx?mode=Article&newsitemID=81471]