Where's Axl?

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Axl in La La Land
Well, in the L.A. airport* this weekend, at the very least.

What I want to know is who dressed him, Mary-Kate? Honey, Hobo Chic is as over as pomegranate juice and laxatives. Get with it.

Still, I guess it is better than a catcher's uniform. Or that Charlie Manson graphic tee.

Holy crap, is that a toolbox at his feet!? Good to know that in the event an airplane bolt pops loose, Axl'll be there to screw it back in.

I hope to god it was Tom Ridge's idea to give Axl that toolbox - if only to make my life a little more perfect.

*says this mobile phone photographer extraordinnaire, courtesy of Splat: http://www.sp1at.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=223&Itemid=99999999


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