It's just been sheer birthday madness for Axl. First it was Rosario Dawson. Now it's noname - except she has one! - British model, Sophie Anderton, at her 29th birthday party.
They made eyes across London's Boujis club, ran to each other's bony arms, then started grinding like monkeys caught in a thick jungle heat.
Lucky for you, Where's Axl? caught some of their dialogue. He's more of a ladies' man than we thought:
W.A.R. [sounding growly]: Hey. Nice tits.
S.A.: Thaaanks.
W.A.R.: So. Whaddya know?
S.A. [girlish laugh]: I had SUCH a crush on you when you did that 'Come to my Jungle' video.
W.A.R.: Oh yeah?
S.A.: Yeah. My mum made me shut off MTV by 7 o'clock because it was my bedtime, but I'd go to sleep dreaming of that stringy hair. And those gangly arms.
W.A.R.: That makes me hard.
S.A.: [tee hee] Hey, what're you doing?
W.A.R.: Checking your tag.
S.A.: Huh?
W.A.R.: Just wanted to see if you were "Made in Heaven."
[The next thing we knew, he was all over her like a bad rash].
[source: http://www.roadrunnerrecords.com/blabbermouth.net/news.aspx?mode=Article&newsitemID=52922]
[photo courtesy of: www.entertainmentwise.com]
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