Yes, I know I've been out of it for a couple of months. Oh well, eat shit, MFers. I'm back, and so is Axl. He's been rockin' it up in NYC, though rumor has it that he's lost his fire.
Wait, what? Is it possible that someone who's taken up with former-nemesis Sebastian Bach has lost his fire? Bach can't be a firesucker - surely not Bach, who's been going at it as the Beast on the Broadway stage.
Still, they seemed awfully chummy Friday night at the NYFUCKINCITY party at 6's and 8's on the Lower East Side. He came with an entourage [sadly, Gilby wasn't invited] and refused photos. Thank God for those NY Animals - their Jackie O'Nasty gave us images to-die-for.
Okay, so maybe not to-die-for. But definitely to-eat-several-handfuls-of-salted-peanuts-and-then-fight-bouts-of-constipation-for. Which, frankly, is just as good.
[Source: http://www.animalnewyork.com/2006/05/axl_rose_practices_chinese_dem_1.php]
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