Looks like Axl has learned nothing from his hiatus.
Take for example, not showing up. You can't not show up to your own show and maintain a happy fanbase. Just ask Clay Aiken. He once missed a show, and a bizarre sect of his middle-aged soccer mom fans took turns extinguishing their cigarettes in his asshole. [Not surprisingly, Clay has never made that mistake again].
None of this bodes well for the future of Guns n' Roses. After appearing at their London Hammersmith show last night over an hour late, the British were restless. No kidding. Hundreds of fans reportedly left the show to catch transportation home.
Our advice? Watch your ass.
[Source: http://www.earvolution.com/2006/06/axl-rose-up-to-his-old-tricks.asp]
[Photo courtesy of: http://www.aftonbladet.se/noje/0601/03/NOJE-03s27-rose-19_368.jpg]
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